Compliance & Safety

Safety at work for MITech represents ever changing challenges since much of our activity involves 24hr service work at third party customer sites. This requires a high level of safety management in close collaboration with our customers across many industry types.

Safety starts at home, with valued experience gained from our Auckland head office site. MITech is Certified by MPI as a Transitional Facility, and certified Hazardous Substances Location under the HSNO Act 1996.

On a daily basis we endorse and manage the latest WorkSafe regulations including the provision of MITech Safety Information Packs to our partner customers, in support of our shared responsibilities and risk mitigation.

Our focus on safety extends to our product range for Safety at Work from innovative Leuze electronic;

MITech also offers a site consulting service for compliance to AS/NZS 4024.1.2014 safety of machinery.